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Food Cleanroom

The food cleanroom can be roughly divided into three areas: general operation area, quasi-clean area and clean operation area.

Division of food factory workshop:

The food workshop can be roughly divided into three areas: general operation area, quasi-clean area, and clean operation area.

  • General operation area (non-clean area): general storage area of raw materials, finished products and tools, transportation area of packaged finished products and other areas with low exposure risk of raw materials and finished products, such as outer packaging room, raw and auxiliary materials warehouse, packaging material warehouse, outer packaging workshop and finished products warehouse.
  • Quasi-clean area: pretreatment area, such as raw material processing, packaging, buffer room (unpacking room), general production and processing room, inner packaging room of non-ready food and other areas where finished products are processed but not directly exposed.
  • Clean operation area: this area is often built as a clean workshop, usually referring to the area with the highest requirements for sanitary environment and high requirements for personnel and surroundings such as the processing area where raw materials and finished products are exposed, cold processing room for food, cooling room for ready-to-eat food, storage room for ready-to-eat food to be packaged, internal packaging room for ready-to-eat food, etc.

Food factories with clean workshops should avoid pollution sources, cross-contamination, mixing and errors to the maximum extent during site selection, design, layout, construction and renovation;

The factory environment is clean and tidy, and the flow of people and logistics is reasonable;

There should be appropriate access control measures to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering;

Save the completion data of construction and construction;

Buildings with serious air pollution during the production process should be built on the downwind side of the factory with the most wind direction all year round. The production processes that affect each other are not suitable to be located in the same building, and effective partition measures should be taken between the respective production areas. Production of fermented products should have a special fermentation workshop.

Requirements of clean workshop:

  • Clean workshops should be set up in the process workshops that have aseptic requirements but can’t implement the final sterilization and those that can achieve the final sterilization but operate aseptically after sterilization.
  • Clean workshops with good hygienic production environment should include the storage and processing places for perishable foods, ready-to-eat semi-finished products or finished products before final cooling or packaging, the raw material pretreatment, product sealing and molding places that cannot be sterilized finally, the exposure environment after final sterilization of products, the preparation area and inner packaging room of inner packaging materials, and the processing places and inspection rooms for food production, improvement of food characteristics or preservation, etc.
  • The production process of the workshop and the corresponding grade of clean rooms require reasonable layout. The layout of the production line should avoid back and forth crossing and discontinuity.
  • Different interconnected workshops in the production area should meet the needs of varieties and processes, and take measures to prevent cross-contamination such as buffer rooms should be provided when necessary. The area of buffer rooms should not be less than 3m².
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